Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Flip the Switch

Have you read the book by Peggy McColl called "Your Destiny Switch". If you haven't, you should. I found it at Chapters in the bargain book section for 5.99 and trust me its worth WAY more then that. You can find Peggy's site here.

The book talks about how you have to "flip" that emotional switch to get a positive attitude in order to attract more positivity. Positive thinking isn't easy. Even on my bad days I find it hard, but if I managed to flip the emotional switch it really can turn around your day.

The book help me understand things I already knew, but just made it very clear. It explains in order to attract anything positive you have to be in a good emotional spot. When I say attraction I don't mean things always either. It can be people, situations, whatever. It doesn't necessarily mean material things.

She has you picture a light switch the bottom has one negative emotion Anger/anxiety/stress/fear/poor/impatience/discouraged and then see the top of the switch. It will be the opposite of the bottom. So for those it would/could be Happiness/peace/relaxation and prayer/faith/abundance/calm/inspiration.

Look at them together. Even reading the positive side makes you feel better.

I will list the negative emotion first and then the positive emotion second.

Anger - Forgiveness/Happiness
Anxiety - peace/Faith
Stress- Relaxation/Prayer
Fear - Faith
Poor - Abundance
Impatience - Calm/patience
Discouraged - Inspired

Its a good read. I will be reading mine very soon! Go out and pick up a copy! It will be the best 6 dollars you spend in a long time!!!

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